Friendly Show
Yaro and Adrian are online and conference buddies that enjoy speaking about development, tech, SaaS, and product development.
Let's be friends!
Friendly Show
What are our plans for Brovember? Wait, since when is Brovember a thing?
Adrian Marin & Yaroslav Shmarov
Episode 7
I think it was one of our most chill, relaxed episodes.
Take a break and join us as we discuss:
- Building a new Rails starter kit?
- Rails UI frameworks?
- GoodJob vs Sidekiq/Redis?
- Best way to do Multitenancy?
- Devise vs other authentication approaches?
- Avo 3 release date, Avo-2025 UI features
- Providing feedback to software
- How to make superails.com better?
Show notes:
Get Helvetic.rb tickets: https://helvetic-ruby.ch/
Helvetic.rb fondue evening RSVP: https://ruby.social/@marioschuettel/111296355470789293
Notion sharding article: https://www.notion.so/blog/sharding-postgres-at-notion
Phlex UI: https://www.phlexui.com/